3k words 3 mins.

蔑视对方的人,眼睛的情态最为有趣。他们的眼神里,有着对反驳的胆怯与警戒,有时候,还藏着一种 “你敢反驳我便应战” 的好战光芒。当他们无意识地蔑视我时,混杂着优越感的迷醉快感会形成一种液体,浸润眼球,有时甚至形成一片水膜。

522 words 1 mins.

我希望你们能成为拥有勇气、智慧和力量的人,就像故事里的主人公,或是电视剧里的主角一样,在活着的时候能受他人喜爱、尊敬,在死前能对自己的人生没有遗憾 —— 我希望你们能成为这样的人。

2.9k words 3 mins.


27k words 25 mins.

The quantum operations formalism is a general tool for describing the evolution of quantum systems in a wide variety of circumstances, including stochastic changes to quantum states, much as Markov processes describe stochastic changes to classical states.

66k words 1:01

It is the identity induction shows that the space of path starts at a fixed point is contractible